Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I have no idea how and where to start this blog

A direction sugget might be good, but what if it mistaken...?

My sweetie 陳寶貝

I know how much you have been through,

and I know how many burdens you are carrying.

However, why?

Why carry those burdens?

Why keep your eyes closed and lock all these fair/ unfair conditions.

My sweetie baby, according to Einsten's theory of relativity, trust me (or at least trust him) there's always an answer when it comes up a problem.

Do remember to have different point of view, find the answer, solve the problem, and I do believe there's a whole new world for you.

Remember, I am always here for you, forever and ever...

...oh... and plz do not forget to call Ms. Huang... Haaaa....


爆走大提琴手 said...

Don't worry!
I'll be fine!

爆走大提琴手 said...

Sometimes problems just don't have solutions...